Fun ways for you to learn and laugh with our experts, comedians, and Saranne:
Celebrate with us at the UN's Star-Studded International Peace Day broadcast live from Times Square (We're performing!)
Share in the blessings bestowed upon ComedyCures by infirmed nuns after they experienced our first live program.
Join us monthly for our free Fun Health Builder Series on Zoom.
Enjoy our podcast, humor and ComedyCures experts' strategies below for your best quality day.

Jacqui Bryan, RN, CNS, WHE, CHC, MS
ComedyCures Health Builder Contributor
Optimal Hydration
What is the ultimate health supplement? This is a substance that will boost your brain power, build up energy and enhance performance? It’s WATER! But how much water should we drink? Did you know that adults who aren't sufficiently hydrated may age faster, face a higher risk of chronic diseases and be more likely to die younger than those who stay well-hydrated? You may be surprised to learn that our bodies are 60% water, so it makes sense that maintaining a healthy body starts with sustaining healthy hydration habits.
1. Is drinking 8 glasses of water daily the magic number you should aim for? The answer is, it depends. Not just on activity, but temperature, overall health and more. Join us for our free Optimal Hydration workshop, live on Zoom, to determine the right amount for you. (Plus, a few laughs from ComedyCures!)
2. What counts as water? According to the National Academy of Medicine, almost any nonalcoholic fluid will do, water, juice, tea and even coffee. My preference is water. Add some frozen fruit for a flavorful delight! We all hear about the importance of drinking water. Join us to learn how you can increase your water intake by consuming water rich fruits such as watermelon and other useful tips.
Sign up for our free wellness workshop!
Topic: "Optimal Hydration" on Zoom with Jacqui.
Hosted by Saranne Rothberg.
Date: September 18th, 2023 at 11:30 AM ET. Click here to RSVP.

Dr. Katherine Grill, Ph.D.,
ComedyCures Neuroscience Contributor
Strategies for Seamless Transitions
Seasonal transitions can be exciting, but they can also cause anxiety, especially for students and their parents starting a new school year.
Here are some quick strategies to help transition yourself from summer to fall:
1. For your health during a transition, focus on maintenance not grand changes. Starting a a whole new health routine on top of transitioning back to school or a post-summer schedule can increase anxiety. Choose one thing you've been doing for your health over the summer and continue with that activity.
2. Schedule and commit to weekly time for self-care. Even as little as 10 minutes of alone time each day, to exhale, stretch a little, and clear your mind, can help you unwind a bit and recharge.

Neil Berliner, ComedyCures Comedy Contributor
A Day from HaHa History (#1 Joke Book on Amazon)
September 13, 1949: The Ladies Pro Golf Association of America (LPGA) forms in New York City, proving that women need an excuse to get away from their spouses on the weekend, too.
Authors: Joey Novick, Neil Berliner, Michael Morse, Ron Beau Phillips

Kathy Poodiack, PA, ComedyCures Editor, and Mind/Body Contributor
Addressing Intimacy in Cancer Care
Sexuality is one of the most important quality of life issues amongst people with cancer, but is the most avoided topic for discussion by healthcare providers with their patients.
In a 2017 study of gynecologic oncologists’ opinions about sexuality and their patients, one of the participants stated, "Sex is private and discussing it with patients will interfere with our provider-patient relationship".(1)
If this is your doctor’s attitude you may want to consider finding a new one!
Consider getting help from a sex therapist, psychologist, psycho-oncologist, hypnotherapist or energy medicine practitioner if you'd like support in this area.
(1)Bedell S, Manders D, Kehoe S, Lea J, Miller D, Richardson D, Carlson M. The opinions and practices of providers toward the sexual issues of cervical cancer patients undergoing treatment.
Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Mar;144(3):586-591. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2016.12.022. Epub 2017 Jan 9. PMID: 28081881.

Ellen Thur,
ComedyCures Food Education Contributor
Overnight Oats and Where to Buy All Your Ingredients
Overnight oats is one of my favorite blank canvases, and today I'm sharing with you a healthy breakfast or snack during the day that is nourishing and filling. What's your favorite way to serve overnight oats? Use this as a template make it your own. l switch it up!
Red Berry Oats Ingredients
Coconut Mango Oats Ingredients
Chai Oats Ingredients
**consider substituting monk fruit, coconut or date sugar
Layer everything into a 12 ounce jar with a lid, stir, secure the lid, and keep in the fridge overnight. By morning, the oats will get tender. Store oats up to four days, I make three days worth at one time and then redo it. Serve as is or top with berries.

Tips for purchasing organic ingredients:
Online sources: Thrive Market, VitaCost
For the organic sprouted Oats:
One Degree Organics
Organic frozen fruit: Walmart, Costco, BJ’s
35 Countries Listening to The Beating Cancer Daily Podcast!
Great news! In 5 months, our Beating Cancer Daily podcast is now reaching listeners in 35 countries, including Japan, Georgia, UAE and Jordan. Please share our podcast with anyone who needs wellness strategies, humor, inspiration, and motivation. Listen daily!
Listen on Youtube, ComedyCures website,
or wherever you listen to podcasts.
A few of Saranne's daily September episodes include:
9/13/23 ComedyCures Comedian Missy Hall joins Saranne: Cancer Comedy Perspective XI
9/14/23 Pausing Cancer
9/15/23 Cancer, Sugar and Me: Special Cancer Expert
Please share Beating Cancer Daily with a patient, survivor, caregiver, or healthcare worker that you love!
Several ComedyCures Free Upcoming Events
September 18, 2023 at 11:30 AM ET: Fun Health Builder Series "Optimal Hydration" on Zoom with Jacqui. Hosted by Saranne Rothberg. Click here to RSVP.
September 21, 2023 at Noon to 5:00 PM ET: UN International Day of Peace, "PAUSE THE WORLD FOR PEACE" Broadcast Live From Times Square (ComedyCures Founder Saranne will be featured in this global event with many celebrities)
October 23, 2023 at 11:30 AM ET: Fun Health Builder Series "Is Your Immune System Distracted? " on Zoom with Jacqui. Hosted by Saranne. Click here to RSVP.
November 20, 2023at 11:30 AM ET: Fun Health Builder Series "Build Better Bone Health" on Zoom with Jacqui. Hosted by Saranne. Click here to RSVP.
Everyday: Beating Cancer Daily. Wherever you listen to podcasts.
Everyday: ComedyCures LaughLine. 1-888-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha (888-424-2424). Free 24/7.
Everyday: Find us on Social Media @ComedyCures

Have a question for our experts or a topic request for our programs? Please click the "record" or "write us" buttons below and share your experience, tips, and suggestions with us (the "record" function works best using your Chrome browser). Thank you, Saranne.